Sunday, January 29, 2012

Provisional legal entity identifiers

Hello all,

A quick update to let you know that we have now cross referenced to all the provisional legal entity identifiers which we downloaded from the GFMA website on Jan. 20. You can click on the "View provisional legal entity identifiers" button on to see all the records that have them and then click on any individual record to see the new identifier.

A file update service will shortly be announced by Avox. Watch this space.



  1. Is Avox planning API / Services for
    1. Validating LEI e.g. onboarding app enters LEI while creating account; now LEI number must be validated.
    2. Returning parent LEI for given LEI ?(ideally hierarchy but it seems to be not available in first version ). This is useful for aggregation

  2. Anyone can log onto and look up an entity by legal name, AVID or LEI. Clients can log in and request re-verification of the LEI data. They can also see the immediate and ultimate parent AVID and legal name (and LEI if available).

    An API for searching and fetching data is available to clients.

    Hope this helps.

