Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Avox wins Counterparty Data Provider of the Year Award

It's once again time to extend our profound thanks to all who voted for Avox as Inside Reference Data's Counterparty Data Provider of the Year award. We received this award on May 24, 2011 for the third year in a row.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The high quality of our service and content is achieved through a combination of expert data analysis, well engineered systems and processes, and, vitally, the constant business intelligence generated by our clients, partners and now the public via our wiki-data. com platform. It is this collaborative effort, facilitated by our open data standards that truly differentiates Avox. A connected network of data users always has a much better chance of spotting an out of date data value than any single person or institution alone. It's network science and it works - our users prove it every day.

Thank you once again. We are honoured to have earned your trust and your support.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

New is up and running!

Hello all,

It's been a crazy 10.5 months since DTCC acquired Avox. So far, so good. Our most recent project has been to update our wiki-data website with a more professional and user friendly look and feel. We've also beefed up the search capability and made it easier to review individual company details.

Many of our clients are both using wiki-data as a look up tool to see if we already have a record they are looking for. Indeed wiki-data is becoming part of the daily client on-boarding and review process. Several clients have also used the open API to access the content in their own systems.

Have a look and let us know what you think. We are always looking for ways to improve.
