I’m pleased to say that the new version of www.wiki-data.com is now live. There is also a link from our website.
Features of this new version:
- It has been developed in open source software which will provide significant flexibility to clients when the client specific version of the site is rolled out.
- Every Avox ID (AVID) is a distinct URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) enabling links to and from the entity record. There are no restrictions on the use of AVID, nor are there any license fees associated with it.
- We have put more data fields into this version of wiki-data including formerly known as name, also known as name, trading status, URL and additional operational address details.
- Users can hide/show columns, sort content in columns, click the AVID and land on a company page with a google map, filter content, challenge data values, request additional data for a record and request new records.
- Limited numbers of additional data and new record requests will be processed at no charge. We will soon have a charging mechanism in place for requesting more data and new records. Existing clients will be able to apply these requests against their existing contracts if they wish.
- There is a facility called “New app ideas” at the bottom of the screen where users can suggest and vote for new functionality.
- An email support function is also included at the bottom of the screen.
Please note that the email request function on the previous version of wiki-data was corrupted and not operational during the past two weeks. My apologies if you had tried to use that capability and received no response. It is working with this new version.